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You want distance AND accuracy but your swing can only go where your body can move so...

How Do You Build A

Powerful Golf SWING?

You build it from the INSIDE out!

I'll show you and we'll do it together.

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A POWERFUL GOLF SWING REQUIRES GREAT MOBILITY. You can *build your swing around your current body with limits OR

*you can change your body to build the golf swing you want!

Since your swing can only go where your body can move right now, your swing might be writing checks your body can't cash! And one day those checks are going to bounce then your body & golf game will really suffer. Ouch!!!

When those "checks bounce" from a limited body, here's what happens...

*can't get hips through

*limited width in backswing

*weak impact position or can't get to the finish

*nagging injuries in back, shoulders, elbows

*losing distance, poor sequencing

*limited skills/limited ball flights/bad shots

*fatigue/stamina/losing strength

*use pain killers to make it through a round

Limited mobility is a HIGH COST to your golf performance now and in the future!!!


Your Golf Swing Starts with your body

but SADLY, VERY few master the

MOVEMENT fundamentals of GOLF

And waste precious time & money

which keeps them from finding the real solution. You often see ...

Golfers 3 Biggest MistakeS

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over focus on equipment/ gadgets

...only to see very little lasting increase in yardage or improved shot skills.

Technology is no substitute for declining mobility and body control.

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Taking the Exact same golf lesson for years

...only to see temporary improvement that can't be sustained on the course.

You need golf lessons but when you have to force a position - it's a body issue.

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banging 100's of balls on the range

...thinking you can practice or force your way out of body limitations

Excessive range practice doesn't create mobility but can create injuries and ingrain poor patterns.

These 3 mistakes only delay you from knowing and addressing your mobility issues!

Because as you know, playing golf well and for many years will always go back to the FUNDAMENTALS of how well you move, how far & how fast you can move.

No fancy clubs can replace that!

Is your golf swing writing "hot checks" your body can't cash? That's when golf is more demanding than your body's capacity.





do you want ...

A LIMITED SWING? -- or -- A powerful swing!

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But when you build your body's movement capacity in all joint ranges you,

1) meet the demands of golf better,

2) move better and,

3) move farther & faster.

It's like making deposits in the body's swing bank!




how great would it be to Trust your swing?

Thankfully, THERE IS A MORE RELIABLE WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SWING without wasting time and money on bandaids that mask the real issue. Since it's your BODY that is limiting your swing ... build your swing from the inside out where movement is created.

You can build your body with strength, mobility & speed so you can create a more reliable, consistent and trustworthy swing.


Here's how...

BUILD YOUR body'S CAPACITY to build the golf swing you want

Your Total swing Builder

Resource ...

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I created GOLF MOBILITY CLUB to build your body to move farther, faster and more forceful for a powerful, repeatable swing!

GOLF MOBILITY CLUB is your at-home resource to build greater movement capacity, strength & speed for an athletic and trustworthy swing.

Build your body for Golf's Key positions to gain a physical edge


"With Pam’s expertise we are able to make sure I am mobile and strong during the long, tough tour seasons. Pam helps ensure I have the mental and physical edge needed to compete against the world’s best golfers from the 1st tee to the 18th green. Pam is a valuable part of #TEAMSLOAN."


"With Pam’s expertise we are able to make sure I am mobile and strong during the long, tough tour seasons. Pam helps ensure I have the mental and physical edge needed to compete against the world’s best golfers from the 1st tee to the 18th green. Pam is a valuable part of #TEAMSLOAN."


Stop the triple bogey surprise.... now you too will stand over the ball with confidence over your opponents as a stronger athlete, with more body control with a natural and repeatable swing. You'll "own" deeper ranges and have strength in all the key golf positions. You'll now trust your body to swing like you know you can move.

You'll build GOLF'S

4 POWER sources & more...

Most golfers only know about ROTARY POWER but we need 4 sources of power!

You might be missing one or more sources in your body which leads to over dependence on the few areas that weren't meant to bear those loads. This is a recipe for huge power leaks, continuing limited skills, decreasing distance and overuse injury.

But in MOBILITY CLUB we train to build rotary power and 3 other sources of POWER required for "firing on ALL cylinders":

*You'll identify the mobility issues that are preventing you from obtaining your maximum power

*PLUS learn exercises for all areas to tap into all four sources of power.


"I noticed much more control in the first tournament (LPGA-Pelican Woman's Championship) after doing Pam's daily program and training sessions. Usually I have 12 - 13 GIR but now had 15 - 16 GIR with more consistency. I also added 15 yards due to more control and consistency in my drives. I believe it's from doing the workouts. I've added her daily mobility routine to my pre-golf warmup."

Ruoning "Ronni" Yin, LPGA Tour Player

You'll reach these


get into better positions & "own" your movements for Accuracy & control

DRIVE the ball with greater force from greater positions for more distance

build a more resilient body to absorb repetitive loads & prevent injuries

When we work on these 3 GOALS in the 4 POWER CENTERS, you'll have a much more natural, reliable and trustworthy swing in all joint positions of the BACKSWING, at IMPACT and at the FINISH!

HOW? IT'S Not just flexibility gains but strength Gains too

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clients Enjoying gains on the Course

GOLF MOBILITY CLUB is for You IF You Want these OUTCOMES ...

score better & lower your handicap by breaking through frustrating performance plateaus with a stronger body and smoother more athletic swing. Even when you have been stuck for years you'll now know exactly where and how to improve!

​crush the ball using all four power centers of the swing with stronger ranges so you can eliminate weak areas and sequencing issues

increase golf skills, develop more shot shapes and better distance control when you "own" your body's movements for greater motor control and muscle memory

gain club head speed (drive using greater force) from newly acquired ranges in backswing, impact and the finish to increase your distance, score better and lower your handicap

avoid injuries, eliminate aches and pains with a more resilient, stronger body that can bear the repetitive loads of the golf swing to then deliver more power time and time again for years of great golf.

All content (2 years of repeatable content) is available to you TODAY online 24/7.

Minimal equipment needed: 2 tennis balls, 2 yoga blocks or similar sized items, pad/pillow, towel, club/stick, (optional myofascial balls)


Quick, Measurable Gains!

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"The Director of Golf sent me to Pam ...

to assess my capacity to improve strength, balance and flexibility. What I did not expect after three weeks of training was how much and how quickly I could see measurable gains! My posture, my balance and lower body strength has already improved such that I was able to climb several flights of stairs without holding a handrail!! A simple feat for most, perhaps, but not for me. I have been unable to do this for years due to my bad knees and balance. I am excited to see the continued improvement in my fitness. Thank you Pam!"

Unlike Anything You've Ever Experienced

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As a three-time GOLF DIGEST Top 50 Fitness Professional and POWER coach, I understand the body's requirements in the body-swing connection! GOLF MOBILITY CLUB gives you ongoing monthly access to a wide range of resources as you need them. You learn more about yourself than you would in any other training. You see firsthand where you need more mobility and control and choose videos you need. You'll be able to target zones, positions and ranges in any joint that restricts your swing. You'll understand your own body/swing connection and see progress on the course as you consistently do your exercises.

Your Daily Mobility Routine in a short (5 minutes) & full (20 minutes) version to accomodate all schedules and fitness levels with extensive modifications as needed.

Mobility Classes (short and longer in length) all available on repeat that target the body-swing connection for the key areas for specific swing movements and positions that have you stuck. Repeat your favorites.

Supplemental instructional videos, diagrams, printouts, and calendars to enhance the full classes when you want specific work on upper body, core or lower body area. I take REQUESTS and record solutions for everyone in the club. PLUS, suggested weekly schedules by goal so you KNOW what to do each week.

Access to me (your Performance Coach!) for support pertinent to your performance goals. I'm invested in your success! In fact - reach out to me NOW if you have questions.

Body-Swing Solutions which is a video resource library where you can request content and go for help to improve a specific body-swing issue available on replay 24/7. Send me your swing video for comment and suggestions.

Super Popular Specialty Classes like "HIPS LIKE BUTTER," "ARM-AGEDDON," "KNEEDY KNEES," "THE BREATHING CLASS," "GET GROUNDED," "BACK-TOBERFEST I & II" and much more all available on repeat! ;)

Golf Day Routines (the most requested content) to choose from including warm-ups for gym, home and driving range, cool down and recovery routines for quicker recovery time to play even more golf.


We don't just stretch, we strengthen through to the end ranges. I got everything covered in GOLF MOBILITY CLUB. You choose the classes at your appropriate level and reap the benefits in your game.

Inside the online membership:

Follow along with me for your DAILY MOBILITY ROUTINE video + PDF so you can build the basic control you need to maintain joint health and gain movement control.

Do new classes weekly or repeat classes as many times as desired since they are available 24/7. You will always have full 45 - 50 minute classes, shorter snack classes plus other valuable videos & resources.

Each full class contains variations to the daily mobility routine, breathing drills, plus strength focus on 2 - 3 focus where we use higher loads to gain more strength and movement capacity.

Minimal equipment required so you can do the online classes when traveling, from home or anywhere at anytime. All you'll need is 2 tennis balls, 2 yoga blocks, pillow/pad, towel, club/stick.

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MLB Offseason 2023-24,

Group Mobility Class

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Golf Mobility Club

is based on Kinstretch Also used by:

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As a reminder... here's what you get

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Expert Coaching

I am your coach and here to support you to make sure you are on track. I'll provide resources, answer questions & give assistance when you need modifications or face performance challenges.

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Load All Ranges

Mobility Club trains every joint, every muscle, every range using progressively higher loads for greater STRENGTH. You build PERFORMANCE OPTIONS plus healthy, functional joints with greater movement capacity.

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End Range Training

Build more usable range in end ranges of all key positions needed for golf so you'll be able to drive force from deeper ranges and absorb repetitive loads to protect against injuries.

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A Plan That Works

Each week go through fresh content so you can eliminate swing issues while building more power-generating joint range and strength. You can make requests for your specific needs and I'll film a solution!

"easy to follow"

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PLUS claim These Bonuses!

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I've taken ALL the joint movements of all the golf positions (as in images above) and consolidated it into an easy-to-do BODY/SWING ASSESSMENT in 30 minutes!

The Assessment It's so important to know how your body impacts your swing. Because when you know precisely what you need to play better then you can give that area more attention and make huge progress! That's why you'll love the pre-recorded webinar where I guide you to assess 5 key areas of your body, determine your posture, positions and transitions (takes only 30 minutes) in various parts of the golf swing.

Do you have enough mobility in ankles, hips, spine, shoulders wrists to not get injured? How are these limitations tied to your swing pattern? Also, let's look at both sides of the body across these areas for GOLF and you'll begin to see exactly how your body is impacting your swing.

Plus, you'll use the assessment worksheet to note your current mobility in each area:

Area 1: Arm Your shoulders (4 tests)

Area 2: Set your wrists/forearms for impact (8 tests)

Area 3: Use your spine for sequence (6 tests)

Area 4: Get grounded through ankles/toes (4 tests)

Area 5: Get your hips in the house! (5 tests)

After you've assessed and noted the precise areas that need more focus you can find instructional videos inside the BODY/SWING SOLUTIONS club vault to address those specific areas! But trust me, we are addressing these areas in our weekly classes too. When you match your mobility issues with the GOLF MOBILITY CLUB instructional videos you'll jump ahead in your performance and get out of being stuck! Score!

(Value $250)


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Most golfers only focus on ROTARY POWER but there are 3 other sources of power your body must use in sequence that build up the speed to launch the ball past your opponents.

Each of those 4 sources of power involve multiple joints/muscles that must move well together yet must work independently for correct sequencing in order to deliver speed to the ball. GOLF MOBILITY CLUB delivers great exercises to work on all these areas but this BONUS - The POWER UP FORMULA is my easy-to-grasp template which allows you to zero-in on your plan to work on the crucial movements you need most.

During Month 3 when you are making progress in your mobility, use my POWER UP FORMULA which includes:

*Part 1 includes full instructions on how to self test your power under these parameters...

1) upper body power

2) core power

3) lower body power

4) cardiovascular base

5) right or left sided overall power

This information enables you to determine where you generate the most power, where you lack power plus learn how you rank among other world class golfers.

*In the Part 2 webinar, we dive deeper into how your body's capacity is tied directly to your power in all 4 areas. With your assessment results and my POWER UP MATRIX chart you will now know where to prioritize your efforts to your direct needs.

(Value $350)

Bonus #3 Strength/Cardio Workouts

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Once you've established your mobility routine and seen some gains you'll want to grab these supplemental at-home or gym workouts. Yes as a GOLF MOBILITY CLUB member you get this bonus, when you sign up now!

You don't need to be a body builder but I recommend using these foundational strength/cardio circuit workouts to ensure you are maintaining a solid base of strength movements and conditioning. As a golf-athlete you know how important it is to have a cardio-vascular base and muscular endurance to play without exhaustion. These workouts are based on years of experience as the first level 3 TPI Golf Fitness Professional in Texas working with 1000's of golfers! Now they can be available to you.


(Value $195)


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Is your body ready for golf? Day after day? Many just don't know what to do to prepare their body effectively and therefore don't do anything.

Nail down your golf-day routines starting with your warm-up, on the course stretches and finishing with the post-round recovery stretches. You need options for home, gym, driving range and travel... and here you get them all!

"Golf Day Routines" are the MOST REQUESTED content 'cause golfers know the importance.

When you establish your golf-day routines you'll feel & play better, have confidence and increase your consistency. Yes as a GOLF MOBILITY CLUB member you get this bonus, when you join now!


(Value $195)

NewEST Addition


Recommended by GOLF DIGEST: Learn to map your body to release superficial and deep fascial layers to glide and move freely. Target knots, stiffness, specific areas of tightness and aches directly using these techniques and tools. Details are inside the course to equip you to understand how to determine precisely where you need it most. This is the content you didn't know you needed - perhaps the missing link to stubborn tight areas that haven't responded to other interventions. Now due to recent advances in science we now know more about how mobility, afference and healing occur! I'm pumped to share this with you too. It works or I wouldn't be spending my time sharing it with you.

If it seems a bit mysterious, that's okay. You'll love this "new stuff" that GOLF DIGEST recommends and requires for their fitness certification!

confident golfers getting results SINCE 2015


"I feel a difference from the strength and mobility work each week. It's like my body is firing on all cylinders. The switch gets turned on for my body to move way better. And I have no more pain in shoulder or back. After having serious back pain that kept me from playing I have regained my core strength."

Roman Robledo, Professional Golfer, University of Houston Golf Alumni


“I am hitting the ball 20 - 25 yards further now. I have never hit the ball this far, ever. I can’t explain it and my golf instructor can’t either. He says the only thing it can be is the fitness sessions with you. I’ve never done exercises like this before either. That is the only explanation.”

Mike R, 40 year old, 4 handicap, PR Benchpress 475 lbs.


"Working with Pam has been a major transformation for my health, but the best part is the elimination of back pain while gaining consistency and distance in my golf game. My wife and I are regulars in Pam's mobility classes and have referred many of our friends because it is SO good!"

Chuck Carr, Avid Golfer
Chemical Engineer, Houston


"This is unbelievable. I've never felt this type of hip and core work and I've lifted weights for my whole adult life. I can now see how these strength gains will be great for golf and protecting my back. I've never trained my ankles and feet plus made my spine stabilize to get more hip strength. Wow!"

Chris Calagna, Avid Golfer
Sales, Oil & Gas Industry


"Pam's mobility classes after hip replacement and a broken back has kept me playing golf. Overall I feel way better. My body moves more efficiently. I can't live without Pam's guidance!"

Patricia Blue Schrum, Avid Golfer
Licensed Massage Therapist, Coach

Meet Pam.

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"I want to help you get lean, bendy and powerful so you can win on and off the course."

If you’re like most avid golfers you'd do almost anything to get a better golf swing. Great equipment, lessons and practice are necessasy for sure but those efforts will never substitute for mobility or body control limitations. And living in a gym is NOT the answer either.

The professional golfers I train, know their body is their most important asset to performance and career longevity. They need to TRUST their body so they can focus on golf strategy and swing skills to compete.

I should know because I've been creating programs and training golfers for years. I'm the owner of Pam Owens Fitness, the Fitness Director at Royal Oaks Country Club in Houston and named three times to GOLF DIGEST Top 50 Golf Trainers. I'm here to create your most powerful, most resilient golf body to enjoy golf and get out of stuck!

We'll build your best swing inside GOLF MOBILITY CLUB. Enter your information below and we'll get started now.

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Invest in Yourself

So what are you doing right now to increase your power, and build your strength and mobility? And what is the cost of NOT addressing mobility now? Mobility is the absolute foundation of all movement. And better movement pays the highest dividends for golf and life.

One size does not fit all! So in as little as 15 minutes a day you can change your mobility plus you will gain much, much more strength and body control. Watch your performance soar!

Registration only opens a few times a year...

Get in the CLUB now as a NEW MEMBER so you can lock-in the new lower price (40% off all previous launches) and begin immediately on your journey to your best body & swing.

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I'm already lifting weights and mobile. Do I need Mobility Club?

Traditional weight training doesn't address end range loading like we do in the Club. Everyone, even very mobile individuals, benefit from Golf Mobility with Pam. MLB pitchers & hitters, NBA, and many high level teams and individuals have adopted this cutting-edge approach as their program of choice. I've personally trained athletes who are at the TOP of their game... two World Series champs, PGA Tour players, NFL Draft choice and many others who ALL have both great mobility in some areas and mobility limitations in other areas. They all benefitted from the laser focus and joint strength gains from mobility!
So to answer your question, this approach works for even the strongest and the hyper-mobile because you go into YOUR end range and drive the force and load that you are able to handle to continue to get stronger.
When you do the program you will see exactly why these athletes love it!

I've had joint replacement and some prior injuries. Will this help me?

You absolutely will love the daily mobility routine and see immediate and long term benefits from gradual and progressive loading. The strength options we employ are considered the safest, least inflammatory way to train with load. This approach is used by many physical therapists precisely for those needing to regain lost ranges safely.
Inside the videos I give multiple options for how to make modifications to any starting position and movement so that you will benefit from the work.

Do I need any equipment? How long are the classes?

You will have access to full classes and instructional videos that target one area or concept.
In as little as 15 minutes a day you can change your mobility.
One Size Does Not Fit All.
You can customize the Golf Mobility Club to your liking. Use the 10 minute, 20 minute and 45+ Full classes as you need.
Full classes include:
1) a run through of the daily mobility routine with some variations,
2) the strength portion where we focus on 3 - 5 areas with varying intensities and options
3) breathing practice using various options to gain more mobility, control and greater health.
If you are short on time, then do your daily routine and any of the shorter instructional video. When able I recommend 2 full classes per week.
The Club provides the BEST of BOTH worlds for busy people with lots of options!

Will this benefit me if I (insert any sport/activity) but don't golf?

Yes, absolutely. We target all fundamental joint motions to make joints stronger and able to move in wider range so you move with more control. You'll notice improvement in all sport activities, skill development, workouts and anytime you move in life.

What are classes like? Are you LIVE?

There are many types of classes/videos in your membership; shorter body/swing solution videos for specific areas, short classes and full mobility classes. Full classes are about 45 - 50 minutes and will be a mix of me training someone or me teaching you directly to the camera while I demonstrate the class. We do it together.
You'll be able to repeat the class again and again. Then each week you can cycle on a newer class to challenge you with new ways to work all areas.
Each week, you can do the next class along with the Daily Mobility Routine video and several body-swing connection instructional videos. KEY: I include recommended weekly schedules to follow depending on your goals.

I want to talk to Pam about my question.

Reach out to me here:
powens@pamowensfitness.com to talk. I want you to be sure this is what you want!


"Working with Pam has been a major transformation for my health, but the best part is the elimination of back pain while gaining consistency and distance in my golf game. My wife and I are regulars in Pam's mobility classes and have referred many of our friends because it is SO good!"

Chuck Carr, Avid Golfer, Chemical Engineer


I want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase and confident that you made the right decision. I use my coaching expertise in golf performance and fitness combined with my many years of experience with athletes to bring a unique, scientifically-based offering that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Let's be honest you'll get results when you take action. GOLF MOBILITY CLUB WITH PAM teaches movements that when done consistently will bring results. If you purchase this program and believe I have not delivered what I promise then I will refund your course fee! (See Terms & Conditions.)

Please do not enroll in GOLF MOBILITY CLUB WITH PAM with the intent to not do the work. I give it my all in creating the classes and believe you will do the same.


2024 Special Option at 40% Off includes the 3-Month (90 days) Initial Period for $99 then $19 monthly. Continue as a monthly member to make continued progress (at your own pace) with even more golf mobility and strength content. You may cancel at any time. *Private weekly sessions would cost $500 or more per month with no replays. But with the Club, you'll get unlimited replays, no driving to appointments, your daily mobility routines, $990 in BONUSES, your first 3 months of workouts and all resources today!

NEW MEMBER BENEFIT: You'll be locked into the new 40% lower monthly price even with future price increases. Plus receive all the valuable BONUSES worth $990 including BONUS #1 The Body/Swing Mobility Assessment.

Sign up Before offer closes - not sure when we open again.




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